At UKPC, we’re committed to making a real impact on the lives of Key Populations in Uganda. Check out our numbers and see for yourself the difference we’re making.
The Free To Be Me Communities of Action model, which is part of the Free To Be Me Programme, empowers LGBTIQ+ communities and their organisations to identify and address the issues affecting them through a common Theory of Change. In 2022, the programme received applications from 53 organisations and funded 19, which engage in activities such as organisational strengthening, public engagement on LGBTIQ+ issues, and interfacing with national and international policies for economic development inclusion.
UKPC has nurtured over 30 Partnerships with the following breakdown:
3 UN Bodies – UNAIDS, UNDP and WHO
5 International Development Partners– The Global Fund, Health GAP, AidsFonds, FrontlineAIDS, PEPFAR
4 Regional Partners -Hivos, ARASA, Pan Africa ILGA (PAI), Center for Disease Control (CDC) and UHAI EASHRI
3 Local Development Partners – Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI), The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO), Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB)
4 Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) – Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC), Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD), and Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC)
3 Missions and embassies
10 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) – Human Rights Awareness and Prevention Forum (HRAPF), The Uganda Network on Law, Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET), Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS- Uganda), The International Community of Women living with HIV Eastern Africa (ICWEA), The SRHR Alliance Uganda, Chapter4 Uganda, Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), The Uganda Network of Young People Living with HIV (UNYPA)
1 Academia – Makerere University School of Public Health
The UKPC’s membership is comprised of national key population CSO networks in Uganda and other key population organizations that may not necessarily be part of the networks.
UKPC has been able to reach and engage with a diverse range of community members from different backgrounds and communities with the KP community. Through our various initiatives and programs, we have been able to create a space where people feel safe and supported to share their experiences and seek out the resources and support they need. We strive to continue fostering a community where everyone is valued and included, and where we can work together towards creating positive change in Uganda.