Our Story and Identity

We are a vibrant, coordinated, diverse, intersectional community-led National Consortium of Key Populations (KPs) uniting KPs in Uganda and pioneering the coordination of KP programmes. We are pioneering collective organising by KP groups, organisations and national networks towards better health and human rights, legal and policy frameworks, socioeconomic justice and inclusion in Uganda. We were formed on 19th July 2018 with a primary aim of bringing together representatives of Key Populations to collectively define and advocate for issues of common concern that include; health and human rights, response to shrinking resources and space for KP-led organizations.

Our Slogan

We are the Community!

Our Institutional Objectives

The UKPC Institutional Objectives are:

  1. To coordinate Key Populations’ voice to enhance their wellbeing towards realization of their health rights, human rights, social justice, safety, security and rule of law.
  2. To foster efficient and accountable utilization of resources that support Key Populations’ interventions in health and human rights.
  3. To coordinate Key Populations’ community to effectively influence policy, advocate, communicate and share information and learnings at all levels.
  4. To strengthen the capacity of UKPC membership for improved coordination, learning, partnership and networking between UKPC membership and stakeholders at all levels.
  5. To enhance the capacity of Key Populations’ programming and become the leading centre of excellence on KP programming in social-economic justice, health and human rights, advocacy and policy engagement, resourcing and learning in Uganda, Africa
    and Globally.

Our Core Values and Principles

UKPC prides in its 5 Core Values and Principles:

  1. Honoring Diversity and Inclusion: We celebrate and value all individuals in their diversity. We believe that the understanding and appreciation of the diversity of Key Populations will result in more effective actions. We value diverse people, thoughts and ideas and our differences as KPs help us create value and remove barriers to inclusion. We believe that Nothing Is About Us Without Us and that interventions to be impactful and sustainable, they must be us by us. Inclusion for us enables everyone to contribute to their best potential. We believe in building inclusion at all levels of our Consortium so that; diversity of thought, identities, backgrounds, perspectives and experience are fully utilized. As a membership organisation; through unity, teamwork and respect of our members, we recognise individual differences as a key strength for our Consortium and that Together is Better.
  2. Empowerment: We understands empowerment as a process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. We believe in the human dignity, agency and autonomy of Key Populations and, through our interventions, the Consortium seeks to contribute towards empowering KPs. We believe that for the achievement of greater autonomy of KPs, they must have choice, make decisions and be part of decision-making spaces that shape their lives and realities. In living this value we: co-create and deliver KP-centred programmes and services that engender trust and confidence of our core constituency; explain the rationale behind decisions to foster better understanding; use resources responsibly; strive for quality and excellence in everything we promise, do and say; share information, skills and knowledge; continuously update the capacities of KPs and commit our Consortium and its Membership to lifelong learning; seek and encourage innovation amongst KPs and; accept and embrace challenge and change.
  3. Accountability: We believe in accountability at various levels including to our Membership, our partners and to KP communities. We are accountable not only to those that support our work but to Key Populations that we represent and on whose shoulders we stand tall. We do what we promise to do. We practice accountability by providing information to stakeholders about UKPC, its operations, programmes and performance. We respect the reality that our KP constituencies and communities have intersecting identities and are accountable to their diverseness. We act consistently with our Mission being honest and transparent in what we do and say, and accept responsibility for our collective and individual actions.
  4. Participation of Key Populations: We value the participation and agency of all our members, and believes in the importance of active, informed and voluntary involvement of KPs in decision-making while putting KP communities at the centre stage. We believe that real and meaningful participation encompasses: autonomy, empowerment, self-organising, and social inclusion of Key Populations. We work towards promoting the agency and participation of KPs in Uganda and across Africa. Reclaiming back the narratives and having KP voices heard.
  5. Professionalism and Excellence – We value excellence, professionalism and commitment to do what we promise to do. We do what we say we shall do. We not only merely do what is right but what is expected of us that leads to collective action in the realisation of health, human rights and socio-economic justice for KPs in Uganda and across Africa.

Our Vision

Key Populations effectively coordinated and have secured full social, political, legal and economic inclusion in society

Our Mission

To spearhead and coordinate Key Populations towards the realization of health rights, human rights and socio-economic justice

Our Members

Our Membership is comprised of national key population CSO networks in Uganda, individual organisations (NGOs and CBOs) and other KP organisations that are not part of the national networks. To date, we have a robust membership of eighty-six (86) Members comprised of KP-led, KP-focused and KP programming national networks, national organisations and community-based organisations.